Free Workshop on web development/shell scripting

Date: 18th June 2016

Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Title: Web Development

This workshop is intended for people who would like to take up web development and is aimed to provide an overview on the requirements of web development using the LAMP stack.  Demonstration  on what is HTML, purpose of HTML. Role of CSS and JavaScript in creating basic pages for site will be taken.

Demo with examples will be provided why and what are the advantages of a server side scripting language like PHP. How one can generate dynamic pages using few lines of PHP.

The role of Database will be discussed. Demo on how data can be added and retrieved to tables in MySQL/Mariadb.

Introduction to Content Managment System

Date: 19th June 2016

Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Title: Shell Scripting

This workshop is intended for people who want to learnl Linux Shell Scripting.

What is shell scripting will be introduced.

Prerequsites and requirements for shell scripting

Demo with examples will be provided.

Worskhop Fee: NIL

For registration click here:

Session will be conducted at the following address:

  • C/O Gaurav Pant
    "Natraj"  Bungalow,
    Colony No.7, Sr.No. - 38. (Lane Behind Sai Baba Mandir)
    Kale Borate Nagar, Hadapsar,
    Pune - 411028.

you can enquire about the same by

  • Email: ggpantweb at
  • Mobile +91 7588-844-594, +91 8793-641-794  (09:00 AM to 08:00 PM IST)


"Natraj"  Bungalow,
Colony No.7,  Sr.No. 38.
(Lane Behind Sai Baba Mandir)
Kale Borate Nagar, Hadapsar,
Pune - 411028.
Get Directions