• Blender India
    BlenderIndia is an online platform to provide a medium for enthusiastic Blender3D artists in India. BlenderIndia aims to provide a online medium for Computer 3d artists using blender to showcase their work and also get them in touch with people looking for 3D artwork as well as 3D designers and developers working with Blender3D. Various facilities available on BlenderIndia.in are mainly for the benefit 3D artists and designers.
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Enabling Clean URL

1 month ago

Enabling Clean URL

Many a times the URL looks like the following https://opensourcecook.in/index.php?page=blog&id=123
This type of URL does not convey any meaning to either the user of is useful for search engine, instead of these if we have something like https://www.opensourcecook.in/blog/post/iot/what-smart-device

The above URL clearly indicated that the it is a "blog post" with main topic "IoT" and with discussion about "What are smart Device".
When we install Drupal/WordPress it by default uses the clean URL. If the clean URL is not set in our web-server (Apache) then you will find it difficult to work with Drupal or many pages will show error. This post talks about how to enable clean URL

LAMP setup

1 month 3 weeks ago

Setting up a web development enviornment on Linux Mint i.e. the LAMP Server

LAMP is a popular open-source software stack used to build dynamic websites and web applications. The same is also used for developing web setups on local machines.
What is the LAMP Server? The acronym stands for Linux (the operating system), Apache (the web server), MySQL (or MariaDB, the relational database management system), and PHP (or sometimes Python/Perl, the programming language).

python library

2 months 2 weeks ago

Libraries in Python

Python also comes with it set of libraries which can be used for different set of purpose. Having the knowledge of the list of libraries can help our efforts in coding and writing better and efficient code (as discussed in previous post about libraries).

Drupal directories

2 months 2 weeks ago

Drupal 10 directory structure

In Drupal 10, the directory structure is organized to separate various aspects of the system, including core files, contributed modules, custom modules, themes, and more.
It is a good idea to know what these contain and what goes in where.


2 months 3 weeks ago

What is a library in Programming

When you start programming/coding in computers, you will come across the need to write some code that needs to be used again and again.

In general a simple way is to write this code as functions and reuse them in your program.

In the field of computing programmers and developers observed that a lot of commonly required code is re-written again and again by people all over in the field of computing. So some decided to pack these pieces of code in pack of single/multiple files organized and categorized for different presuppose.


2 months 3 weeks ago

The wikipedia Library in Python

The wikipedia library in Python provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for accessing data from Wikipedia.

record motion with ffmpeg

3 months ago

Motion recording with ffmpeg

ffmpeg can record videos from camera when motion is detected

date dimension

6 months 1 week ago

Date - Dimension or Metric

In Web Analytics two terms are commonly used Dimension and Metrics. Both play an important role in analysis of web based data. Date is another term that is commonly used in Web analytics. This post discusses what role does date plays and in which category it falls - Dimension or Metric?

static site

6 months 2 weeks ago

Static Website

A static website as the name suggest is a site where the content remains the same unless until it is manually updated by the developer or website administrator. Static websites offer significant advantages in terms of performance, security, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness. They are particularly well-suited for projects with fixed content, high traffic expectations, and a need for fast load times and reliability.

Smart Device

7 months 3 weeks ago

What is a Smart Device

Today in the era of electronics and connected systems and IoT becoming a common thing, the keyword "Smart" is being associated with a lot of devices.

Out of a lot of electronic devices and gadgets that we use do all of them fall under the criteria of a smart devices?

In this post we will try to understand the concept of a "Smart Device" and see a few examples of the same.

What is IoT

7 months 3 weeks ago

What is IoT

The term IoT refers to the network of physical devices like vehicles like cars and bikes, appliances like TV, Refrigerators, Air conditioners etc and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which allows these objects to connect and exchange data or control them remotely.

MySQL and database creation

8 months ago

MySQL - Can a user create a database without 'create' privilege?

A strange behavior is noticed MySQL is that a user without create privileges can create a Database. This post discusses about the same whether it is a bug or feature.
As a developer of any (web based) application which uses MySQL/MariaDB, you should know that the admin account i.e. 'root' should not be used for every purpose.


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