This course is intended for people who would like to take up web development as a career path. The course assumes that you have a working knowledge of computer, preferably comfortable with Linux. Idea of some programming language will be helpful.
- Regular Batch: 20 Sessions of 1.5 Hours
- Weekend workshop Batch: Saturday and Sunday.
Course Outline: |
1 | Introduction to web. |
2 | HTML
3 | CSS |
4 | Javascript |
5 | Client server architeture. |
6 | PHP
7 | Introductions to MySQL/MariaDB
8 | CMS
Course Details:
- Introduction to web.
- Understanding concepts like World Wide Web.
- User agents, clients, browsers etc.
- Server, host, hostname, ip address etc.
- What is HTML.
- Different versions of HTML.
- Document type
- Basic HTML.
- HTML Skeleton
- Basic formating tags, Headings, Bold, Italics, Underline, paragraph etc.
- subscript, super script, font, horizontal rule etc.
- Div V/S Span.
- Working with Images.
- Adding images.
- Image border, size, alignment etc.
- Hyperlinks & Anchors
- What are hyperlinks
- Creating hyperlinks
- Within page.
- To other pages
- Linking sections of pages.
- Using images as hyper links
- Image mapping.
- HTML Table.
- Concept of a HTML table.
- Creating baisc HTML table.
- Different attributes of a HTML table tags
- HTML table row span and colspan attribute to create complex tables.
- Tables within tables.
- List in HTML
- Creating ordered lists and unordered lists.
- Defination lists - why defination list is improtant.
- Nested lists
- HTML Forms
- Basic input types for single line/word inputs
- Multiline input.
- Selecting from existing options:
- Select 1 from given N options.
- Select 1 or more from given N options.
- Drop down lists.
- Buttons - Submit, Reset.
- Hidden input type
- File upload input type.
- Extra input types with HTML 5.
- Introductions to CSS
- Ways to use CSS
- Inline, Embedded and External
- Javascript
- Introduction to Javascript
- Sample Javascript programs
- Javascript and HTML Forms
- Client server architeture.
- Understanding concept of client and server
- Hostname and ip address
- Document root
- Server side scripting language and execution.
- Introduction to PHP
- How to write a basic PHP script.
- PHP and HTML
- PHP basics
- How to write a PHP script.
- Variables, Constants, Naming conventions etc.
- Comments in PHP, Single line, Multi line.
- Single Quotes, Double quotes, using variable inside quotes.
- Basic operator, if, else, switch etc.
- Loops and iteration
- The for loop
- The while loop and variations.
- Arrays in PHP
- Indexed arrays
- Associative arrays
- Arrays of array.
- User defined functions.
- Utilizing Power of PHP with predefined functions of PHP.
- String related functions.
- Arrays related functions
- Date and Time functions
- PHP & HTML Forms
- Recieveing data from HTML forms
- The $_GET & $_POST
- Useful inbuilt predefined PHP variables.
- $_SERVER, $_REQUEST. $_ENV etc.
- Passing values through the Query String.
- PHP and Flie handeling
- Different modes to open files
- Reading from a file.
- Writing to a file.
- Sessions and Cookies.
- What are cookies and there usage
- Introductions to session
- Creating and using sessions.
- Using the PHP mail system.
- Introductions to MySQL/MariaDB
- Concept of user and administraton in a Database system
- Using a database
- Creating and managing tables in a database.
- PHP and MySQL
- Connecting to the MySQL server through PHP
- Opening and selecting database.
- Creating/Modifying/Managing tables.
- Updating records in a table.
- Retriving data from tables and dispalying in formatted manner.
- Error handeling using and messages.
- What is a CMS
- Mini CMS project using PHP and MySQL